Daily Mirror - Print Edition

Sunken barge a risk sea-bathers

21 Dec 2016 - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}      



Two beach-goers had been killed when they were dragged into the sea by waves and their heads were dashed against beached barge on the beach of Panadura, the Panadura Police said.

“Two others had been saved in the nick of time,” they said.

The Police said that waves struck the barge first and accelerated towards the beach and as they receded often dragged those who were on the beach towards the barge and slammed them against the barge. They said that the impact usually killed the victims instantaneously.

The barge was brought for the Port City construction site. It is 15 ft tall and 70 feet in length.  

The Police had now put up a board declaring the site as dangerous. 

Video by Bimal Shaman Jayasinghe