55th Saints Quadrangular on August 17 and 18

Dimitri Jude Pillai (President, Saints Quadrangular) receiving the sponsorship package from Himpa Gunawardena (Marketing Manager, Ceylon Agro Industries) in the presence of Ladislaus Gnanapragasam (Tournament Committee, Chairman, St. Anthony’s) - Pic by Pradeep Pathirana 

By M. Shamil Amit

All arrangements have been finalised to conduct the 55th Saints Quadrangular - contested between St. Peter’s College, St. Anthony’s College, St. Joseph’s College and St. Benedict’s College - on August 17 and 18 at Bambalapitiya.
This time the Saints Quadrangular is hosted by the Old Boys of St. Anthony’s (Colombo Branch) and most of the sporting events including cricket, basketball, rugby will be held at Bambalapitiya.
The Old Boys from these four schools will compete in cricket, basketball and rugby tournaments during the two days.
This year, the Saints Quadrangular Association has introduced significant changes to the format by introducing a basketball event for veterans and also an invitation six-a-side softball tournament involving its four sister schools, namely Good Shepherd Convent – Kandy, St. Bridget’s Convent, Holy Family Convent, Bambalapitiya and Good Shepherd Convent, Kotahena.
The cricket quadrangular and the veterans Over-40 Cricket Quadrangular will be played in the T20 format, according to ICC rules, instead of the 50 overs and 25 overs formats played in the past years respectively. 
Also, an Over-40 category is introduced for the first time for basketball so that veterans who have played in the past from the four schools are given an opportunity to turn up for their alma mater.
To make these events a success Prima Kottu Mee has come forward to support as the main sponsor with Watawala Tea and GS Health joining in as co-sponsors.
Distinguished Old Antonian and Old Antonian Cricket Wing President Angelo Wickramasooriya, a double Eagle winner and Most Popular Schoolboy Cricketer 1985 will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.
St. Peter’s and St. Joseph’s have won the main cricket award on 17 occasions followed by St. Benedict’s (14) and St. Anthony’s (10). In the Over-40 Cricket Tournament, St. Peter’s and St. Anthony’s have won seven each followed by St. Benedict’s (6) and St. Joseph’s (2). 
St. Benedict’s are way ahead in the basketball tournament which began in 2004 with 13 wins followed by St. Peter’s (4) and St. Joseph’s (1). St. Peter’s are in the lead in the overall winner awards which was introduced in 2017 with three championships and St. Anthony’s (1).

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