On this week’s edition of The Founder, we feature Chenuka Fernando, Founder of CeCe’ by Che. An alumna of Bishop’s College, Colombo and the American National College, Colombo, Chenuka is also armed with a Masters in International Business from the illustrious University of Sydney, Australia.  

Chenuka, in your own words, what is CeCe’ by Che? 
CeCe’by Che is a wunderkind bakery with a flair for creativity, perfection and attention to detail! With a range of goodies from cakes and cupcakes to customized confection boxes that are perfect for gifting, we have something to suit every occasion and budget while satisfying all your sweet cravings!

What inspired you to start your business?
From the time I was eight years old, I was constantly in the kitchen watching my mother cook and bake. My favorite part of the day was when I could be my mother’s little helper by assisting her with small tasks like sieving the flour or my most favorite activity, eating the leftover cake batter!  She is truly one of the best bakers I know, so I would have to say that she was my inspiration to start baking.

What was the journey like, from the start to building the business up to where it is right now?
A memorable journey with plenty of ups and downs, it’s almost surreal to think of how far my brand has come from its time of inception in 2020. Whilst baking from AM to PM and barely having a social life took some time getting used to, over the past two years I have gotten better at time management and work-life balance. I have learnt so much and continue to learn more about the art of baking, business and marketing.

Being an entrepreneur, what was it like facing the global pandemic? How did it affect the business?
CeCe’s came to life during the first lockdown in 2020, therefore I had to face quite a few obstacles and setbacks such as having limited access to ingredients to try out new recipes, difficulties sourcing packaging, the inability to physically see the quality of samples to even postponing product photoshoots.  Along with the pandemic also came travel restrictions and import bans which made sourcing quite a tedious task. However tiresome the lockdowns have been, we are forever grateful to our customers for supporting us and keeping our kitchen busy by opting to send our bestselling customizable confection boxes which include an array of cupcakes, cookies, gourmet strawberries, wafers, etc. to their loved ones on birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. 

What has been the most frustrating thing about being a start up?
All small business startups find it difficult to find good quality ingredients and equipment that doesn’t drain your budget. I had to compromise on certain elements that didn't affect my quality in order to stick to the allocated budget. Furthermore, it was vital to introduce products that set CeCe’s apart from its competitors thereby making it somewhat frustrating. Currently, the economic situation in the country has been rather frustrating with rising costs, power cuts, import bans etc. which makes it hard for smaller businesses to operate. Almost all elements of my end product have had a price increase.  

Explain a few marketing strategies you have implemented, and what makes them successful?
Social media marketing through platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are great ways for small businesses to creatively advertise without having to spend a lot of money. One of the most obvious marketing strategies that I adhere to is to provide all my customers with great value for money along with a variety of options with something for everyone. Top-notch quality, attention to detail and unique packaging surely does go a long way! 

What motivates you to wake up in the morning and do what you do on daily basis?
My two cute but annoying cats who insist I feed them at 4:00am! Jokes aside, what truly motivates me is the sheer excitement and determination to complete the tasks I’ve set out for the day. Making a list and ticking it off one by one! 

How did you get your initial start-up capital?
It’s safe to say this dream of mine has been in the works for a long time. While working part-time when I was studying in Australia, I kept putting money aside to somehow achieve my dream of starting my own bake studio one day. 

What separates CeCe’s from its competitors?
A unique experience, consistent quality and attention to detail! From the very first inquiry to the end product, each customer gets a personalized experience to suit their needs. When you order from CeCe’s, you are assured that each and every aspect of your order will be delivered to you as per your request. 

What is your definition of the word success?
My definition of success is listing down my goals, no matter big or small, and achieving them.  If you are passionate and work hard, I feel like you are already on your way to being successful. When running a business, it is important to set ways to measure your success. For me, repeat customers, positive feedback, customer satisfaction, increased brand awareness, more knowledge and learning, etc. are all ways to measure success.

Was your family supportive of your new venture?
My family has been and continues to be my biggest support system! My family and friends have been there from the get-go with an abundance of support, advice and words of encouragement. I am truly thankful to every single one of them for always coming together to help me out, even if it's just to keep me company while I bake. 

Have you tried and failed with anything in the past?
CeCe’s by Che was initially known as Sugar Inc. in 2016. While the brand itself was not a failure, it was not as successful as I wanted it to be as I hadn’t planned it out as much as I would have liked to and did not have a USP. Fast forward to a few years later, with months and months of brainstorming, trial and error and a lot of thought into our list of products, CeCe’s by Che was born. 

What is the end goal?
The dream is to sometime next year open up a beautiful cafe that is in line with all that is CeCe’s to give our customers an amazing space to have a good cuppa and some delectable brunch while indulging in some of our beloved cakes, cupcakes and other gourmet desserts. 

What do you think of the current start-up ecosystem in Sri Lanka?
The start-up ecosystem in Sri Lanka has come a long way in comparison to a few years ago with more opportunities available now to find support, funding, advice and even mentors. It is amazing to see more and more young entrepreneurs realize their dreams and turn them into reality through sheer hard work, support from established professionals and other startups. 

What advice would you give other start-ups?
Give it your 150%, get comfortable with the unknown, always be ready to learn more and never be afraid to ask for help! 

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