WIM – NYSC ready to celebrate New Generation Award Winners 2021


For the second consecutive year, the Women in Management – New Generation Chapter (WIM) and the National Youth Service Council will organize the New Generation Awards 2021 under the theme of ‘Arise Shine’ on the 29th of October 2021.

Recognized as being the only one of its kind in Sri Lanka, these awards are for youth that are a cut above the rest in terms of attitudes, skills, values, ethics and creativity but also on employability, entrepreneurship and community service. This year New Generation Awards will be powered by SLT-MOBITEL.

As the National ICT provider, SLT-MOBITEL identifies the importance of enabling youth to take leadership roles and maximizing youth participation in catapulting Sri Lanka towards a digital era. SLT-MOBITEL is proud to be the ‘Platinum Sponsor.’


WIM Chairperson Dr. Sulochana Segera stated, “we are not living in the same world anymore but we have been compelled into a digitalized world by COVID-19 pandemic, so for youth, this is their world and their future. Therefore considering the new normal, we are planning to conduct, the New Generation Awards on 29th October 2021 in line with COVID 19, guidelines as a physical and digital event. It will be a new experience for all of us and for many to follow.”

Dr. Himalee De Silva, “as a Senior Lecturer in a State University and being the Chair of the New Generation Awards 2021, I am so delighted and proud that we are proceeding with the new normal. It is high time professional organizations like Women in Management lead by example on how to live and work with the new normal. The time will not wait for us, it is we who have to secure our safety and learn to live in the current world with COVID 19.”

Sun Disinfectant is the Hygiene Partner of the New Generation Awards 2021 along with our Award partners Singer Sri Lanka, CIMA, SAGT, FADNA, Asian Grammer School, Coca-Cola Sri Lanka, Liyanwala Builders, DACH Ayurveda Hospital, GTL and OSM.

Panel of Judges

The Panel of Judges for the Awards consist of esteemed and well-established professionals in Sri Lanka and is chaired by Damitha Wickaramasinghe, Chairman, National Youth Service Council and also includes members Varuni Amunugama Fernando, Managing Director, Triad Advertising Limited and the National TV Channel Derana, Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson, Group CEO, Hemas Holdings Plc, Zahara Ansary, Country Manager, CIMA Sri Lanka, Prof. (Dr.) Ravi Dissanayake, Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing Management, the Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies of the University of Kelaniya, (Prof) Dr. Suranaga De Silva, Director CERIPA and Act. Director CUCEC at University of Colombo and Yasas Hewage, Marketer, Innovator and Entrepreneur.

Damitha Wickramasinghe, “The NYSC organizes, several awards for the youth of the nation but what I believe and appreciate, during the process of judging is that, where a private, government collaboration occurs, the nominations and the process of selecting winners evolve more on attitudes, soft skills, and deliverables. I am so pleased to sign off the New Generation Winners for 2021 because they are the future of Sri Lanka.”


Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson, “I am encouraged to see our younger generation who are absolutely passionate about building a united Sri Lanka. The level on empathy and keenness to understand other cultures and integrate with all as one Sri Lanka gives me hope.”

Prof (Dr.) Ravi Dissanayake, “I am glad extending my wishes to those who marked the future of this country. You are the icons of the change the nation awaits!!!”

Varuni Amunugama Fernando, “Our country can only transform in keeping with global trends if the new generation of Sri Lankans have the vision, action and passion to prove that Sri Lanka Can. I believe these awards to be a great springboard for such outstanding young local talent. My best wishes go out to this year’s star-studded winners!”

Yasas Hewage, “The old world is being disrupted with a loud invitation for the youth to reimagine and rebuild  it , so they are ready to take a risk and lead.”

Zahara Ansary, “Looking at the applicants and the eventual winners, I am amazed to see the talents and skills of the youth in Sri Lanka. The winners epitomize the future potential of this nation, the hidden gems who will surely go on to become movers and shakers in their chosen fields. This initiative by WIM is praiseworthy and this year’s winners will surely inspire many more of our youth too!”

Prof (Dr) Suranga Silva, “I am so grateful to the Organizing Committee of New Generation Award for providing me an opportunity to realize the outstanding innovation and mesmerized enterprising skills of our youth generation – the Perpetual Wealth of Our Nation and Game-Changer for sustainable and responsible development with Peaceful Sri Lanka.”


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