Cancellation of LG poll nominations incurs loss of Rs 01 Bn

The recent decision to cancel nominations submitted for the local government elections may lead to a significant financial loss of over one billion rupees, according to the People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL).

Rohana Hettiarachchi, the executive director of PAFFREL, expressed concern over the government's decision, particularly in light of the country's economic crisis.

Hettiarachchi questioned who would be held accountable for the financial loss incurred as a result of such a decision. He emphasized the importance of holding the local government elections promptly, despite the current circumstances.

Moreover, Hettiarachchi highlighted that the Election Commission of Sri Lanka has already invested a substantial amount of money in preparation for the 2023 local government elections.

Therefore, the cancellation of nominations not only affects the potential loss of revenue but also wastes the resources already allocated for the election.

The decision to cancel the nominations was unanimously agreed upon by the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils and Local Government on September 20.

The committee considered the challenges faced by individuals who had already submitted their nominations, due to the postponement of the elections.

The estimated cost for the local government election was previously calculated to be around 9.3 billion rupees. (Sheain Fernandopulle)

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